Humans of Insurance: Hispanic Heritage Month

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In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, we are thrilled to shine a spotlight on the contributions of Hispanic leaders within the insurance industry. Their stories highlight the diversity, innovation, and dedication that drive our field forward. Through their experiences, we celebrate not only their personal achievements but also the broader impact of Hispanic professionals across the industry.

Join us as we learn from their journeys, their challenges, and their triumphs, and recognize the rich cultural heritage they bring to the insurance community.

German Munoz


How has your unique cultural background shaped the way you approach problem solving and leadership in the insurance industry, and what perspective do you feel Hispanic professionals bring to the table that others might overlook?


Growing up, my mother led by example, never declaring herself the head of the household but showing it through her actions. She took on responsibilities without being asked and did so with resilience, never complaining. This shaped my leadership style in the insurance industry, where I strive to lead by example—by excelling at my job and embracing responsibilities beyond my role. I believe in giving back to our community and nurturing future leaders. Hispanic professionals, like myself, bring a spirit of selfless perseverance to the table. We often place ourselves in unfamiliar environments to create better opportunities for future generations, which I see as one of our core strengths.


Additionally, my cultural upbringing instilled a balanced mindset, one that recognizes that challenges are not setbacks but necessary steps in growth. As my mother often said, “Lo que está para ti, está para ti,” meaning what is meant for you will find you, and things happen as they should. This belief in fate and resilience has shaped how I approach problem-solving and leadership, staying calm and persistent through adversity.


How do you stay connected to your Hispanic roots while working in a predominantly non-Hispanic industry?


At Travelers, I’ve had the opportunity to stay connected to my roots through their Diversity Networks, specifically the Hispanic Latino and Allies Diversity Network. As a member of the national team, I help develop business plans that increase outreach, inclusivity, and further advances the space where Hispanic professionals can feel a sense of belonging. Through organizing events and encouraging others to engage in similar efforts across our country, I’ve been able to explore my heritage while also contributing to the larger community. The network has been one of the most meaningful parts of my 10 years at Travelers, allowing me to stay true to my Hispanic identity.


What advice would you give to young Hispanic professionals looking to enter the insurance industry?


My advice is simple: just get your foot in the door. The insurance industry is much larger than most people realize, and I genuinely believe there is a place for everyone here. Be curious, ask questions, and act. Don’t shy away from reaching out for guidance. In my experience, no one has ever turned me away when I sought advice or mentorship.


What steps do you think the insurance industry can take to promote more diversity and inclusion?


The industry needs to collaborate more. While a competitive edge is imperative, we can unite to celebrate and raise awareness of both our culture and our industry to future generations. This can be done in harmony with promoting the unique strengths of our respective companies. By fostering collaboration, we can create a more inclusive environment that benefits both the industry and the communities we serve.

Rocio Luna

Insurax inc.

How has your unique cultural background shaped the way you approach problem solving and leadership in the insurance industry, and what perspective do you feel Hispanic professionals bring to the table that others might overlook?

As a first-generation American and the first in my family to graduate from college, my cultural background has deeply influenced the way I approach challenges. Growing up in a household where English wasn’t spoken meant learning a new language was an uphill battle, but like many immigrants, I adapted and persevered. This resilience has shaped my approach to problem-solving in the insurance industry—I don’t give up easily, and I work hard to find solutions.

Hispanic professionals often carry a deep sense of responsibility and gratitude toward their families for the sacrifices they made. We know the value of hard work and commitment. This drives many of us to excel and bring a tenacity that can sometimes be overlooked by others. We understand that success is not just personal but also a reflection of the opportunities our families have afforded us, which makes us fiercely dedicated to our work.

What legacy do you hope to leave behind for future Hispanic professionals in the insurance world, and how do you envision your impact on both the industry and your community?

I want to inspire Latina women to break through barriers, especially in male-dominated industries like insurance. I firmly believe that with determination and heart, anything is possible. It’s important to me that they know they shouldn’t be limited by their background, education, or financial resources. My own mother had me when she was just sixteen, and while the odds were against me, I learned that your past does not define your future. It’s about the actions you take and how you choose to serve your community.

I hope to leave a legacy of resilience and empowerment, encouraging future Hispanic professionals to pursue their goals relentlessly and to lead by example in giving back to their communities. I envision my impact being one of support and advocacy, helping others realize that they can overcome obstacles and achieve success in this industry.

How have you been able to blend your cultural values with corporate goals, and in what ways do you think the insurance industry benefits from embracing diverse cultural perspectives like yours?

One of the strongest values I carry from my culture is perseverance. Like Canelo Álvarez, we Mexicans are fighters—we don’t give up easily, and we stand up for what we believe in. In the insurance industry, this translates to unwavering dedication to protecting our clients. We don’t back down when it comes to ensuring that our clients are served, protected, and taken care of. We will do whatever it takes to achieve the goal and provide peace of mind.

The insurance industry benefits greatly from embracing diverse cultural perspectives like mine because it allows for a broader, more empathetic approach to problem-solving and customer care. Different cultural backgrounds bring fresh viewpoints and approaches, and when combined with corporate goals, they create a more inclusive and adaptable environment, which ultimately serves both the company and the clients better.

Have you had any mentors in your career who helped guide you? How important has mentorship been in your professional development?

Yes, mentorship has been incredibly important in my career. I’ve had two key mentors—Charles Specht, who has helped me refine my insurance skills, and Marshall Wilkinson, who has taught me business fundamentals. Both have been instrumental in my success, but I want to give a special shoutout to Marshall. He has been there through the late nights, the financial struggles, and the moments of doubt. His guidance and support have kept me moving forward, reminding me every day of the importance of perseverance and mentorship.

I believe mentorship is invaluable, especially for those of us trying to navigate industries where we might not see many people like ourselves in leadership roles. Having someone who has already achieved their goals provides insight, encouragement, and practical advice. I highly encourage others to seek mentors who can help guide them through their journey and support their growth.


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