2024 Elite 50 Nominations

There is nothing more impactful to building the talent pipeline for the Insurance Industry than our internships.

Companies can test drive talent, learn from fresh perspectives, expose young professionals to their brand, foster leadership in current employees, and the list goes on. Interns gain real world experience, learn about their strengths and weaknesses, and gauge whether a job or industry is the right career for them.

The RISE Elite 50 Internships identifies and publishes a list of the 50 best internship programs in the Insurance Industry across the USA. 

We accept nominations from Companies and from Interns participating in an internship program.

Ready to submit a nomination?

I am an Intern

(select this form if you are currently working or recently worked as an intern at an insurance company)

I am a Company Representative

(select this form if you are an insurance company representative submitting an application on your company’s behalf)