Entries by Tori Snoddy

Meet the Mentors Shaping the Future of Insurance: Steve Wang

In the fast-paced and dynamic world of the insurance industry, recognition is due to those who not only excel but also dedicate their time and knowledge to mentor the next generation of professionals. The Mentor of the Year Finalists represent a group of exceptional individuals who have gone above and beyond in their commitment to nurturing talent and fostering growth within the RISE Community and beyond.

In this exclusive spotlight series, we take a closer look at their journeys, motivations, and the insights they’ve gained throughout their careers. Whether you’re an industry veteran seeking inspiration, a newcomer looking to break into the field, or simply curious about the inner workings of the insurance world, these finalists have a wealth of knowledge to share. Join us as we engage with these luminaries, gain invaluable perspectives, and celebrate their achievements in this exciting and enriching series.

Meet Steve Wang, Divisonal Manager at Mercury Insurance and 2023 Mentor of the Year Finalist:

Q: What aspect of your job in the insurance industry do you find most challenging, and how do you overcome it? 

A: Frustration when we just do things “because that’s the way we’ve always done them”. I overcome it by continuing to put forward alternative ways of doing things.

Q: How do you stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the insurance sector? 

A: Webinars, blogs, etc.

Q: Can you share a memorable success story or a significant achievement from your career in insurance? 

A: My most memorable experiences are joining a new team as a leader and helping that team realize it’s full potential by learning to truly function as a team, making use of each people’s strengths instead of a group of individual contributors.

Q: How do you balance your professional life with personal interests and hobbies? 

A: Being organized and driven helps me to be “done” working at a consistent time each day and give me plenty of time for my family and personal interests.

Q: What is one book or resource that has had a profound impact on your career or personal growth? 

A: Wooden on Leadership

Q: If you could have a conversation with one influential figure, living or historical, who would it be and why? 

A: Abraham Lincoln, I love how he was able to put together a “team of rivals” yet was able to accomplish so much.

Q: How do you handle setbacks or failures in your career, and what have you learned from those experiences? 

A: I try to separate setbacks as not being a part of my identity. Also, if you’re not failing from time to time there’s a good chance you’re not pushing enough.

Q: In your opinion, what are the key qualities that make a successful leader in the insurance industry? 

A: Communication, open minded and focusing on treating people well.

Q: What are your favorite ways to network and build connections within the insurance community?

A: LinkedIn and conferences.

Q: Have you ever faced a situation where you had to make a difficult ethical decision in your career? How did you handle it? 

A: Yes, several times. I have a strong personal moral code that I won’t compromise.

Q: What advice would you give to someone considering a career change into the insurance industry? 

A: It’s never boring. Consider what energizes you to choose the right areas of insurance, there are lots of different specialties.

Q: If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go and why?

A: I would like to visit Taiwan. It’s where my dad’s side of the family is from.

Q: How do you prioritize and manage your time effectively to balance various responsibilities? 

A: I do the bulk of my thinking work in the morning when I’m the most fresh. I do the hardest things first and leave the easier things for later.

Q: What role has mentorship played in your career, and do you have any tips for finding a mentor? 

A: My mentors have mostly been family members or bosses. I would have liked to have found a true mentor earlier in my career. I think it might have helped me avoid some mistakes. I think the most important thing in a mentor is finding someone you can trust and speak honestly with.

Q: What do you see as the biggest opportunities for growth and innovation in the insurance sector in the coming years? 

A: Use of data analytics/AI/machine learning

Q: How do you maintain a work-life balance, especially during busy and demanding periods in the insurance industry? 

A: I try to keep the perspective that work is just a job, it’s important and it pays the bill, but work is not a key piece of my identity. Being able to remain organized, prioritize tasks and be efficient allows me to always have time to shut down and enjoy time outside of work.

Q: What steps do you take to promote diversity and inclusion in your workplace and the insurance community? 

A: Really just focusing on seeing people for who they are, their unique experiences in different aspects of work and life and how their viewpoint can deepen our understanding of problems and challenges we are trying to solve.

Q: How do you approach continuous learning and professional development to enhance your skills and knowledge? 

A: For me continuous learning and development is about remaining curious. Never being tempted to think that I have been around long enough to have it all figure out.

Q: What is one initiative or project you’d like to see RISE undertake in the future? 

A: Continuing to partner with schools/colleges to help educate the next generation about the many career options available in the insurance world and all of the areas it touches.

Meet the Strategic Planning Board: Raisa Lyons

Hey there, curious minds! Step into the world of RISE’s Strategic Planning Board, where strategy meets personality. These movers and shakers are the architects behind our big-picture goals, collaborating with our leadership and Advisory Board. But this isn’t your typical spotlight series—it’s a backstage pass to uncovering what drives them beyond the boardroom. Think aspirations, hobbies, and what keeps them jazzed about the future of RISE. This series isn’t just about their roles; it’s about weaving together the stories of high achievers who are crafting a roadmap for RISE’s success. So, grab a seat and get ready to dive into the personalities shaping RISE, one interview at a time.

Meet Raisa Lyons, Underwriter at Bass Underwriters:

Q: What is one piece of advice for young professionals in the insurance industry?

A: Don’t be afraid to take a risk 😉

Q: Are you a sports fan? What’s your favorite team?

A: Houston Astros and I love soccer. Go Colombia!  

Q: What do you find motivating?

A: My husband and family. They are the driving force to be a better person every day.

Q: Do you collect anything?

A: I don’t collect anything per se but I LOVE coffee and will bring home coffee beans from wherever we travel. I have a full coffee station with an espresso machine that grinds my beans fresh every morning.

Q: What’s the most exciting part of your job?

A: It is never the same everyday. As an Underwriter, I have a new business operations that I am trying to find coverage for or on the opposite end of that trying to get creative to find coverage for an account with losses. Not only is it is the business aspect, but the relationship portion. You meet the most amazing people that come from all different backgrounds.  

Q: What is something you know now that you wish you knew when you started in the insurance industry?

A: Networking is your best friend when you first begin. Insurance is a small world and you never know who you met in the past that could help you in the future! 

Q: Share a fun fact about yourself!

A: I just got married in Mexico and it truly was a dream come true! I highly recommend destination weddings.

Q: What inspired you to join RISE?

A: I wanted step outside of my comfort bubble and expand my network of other young insurance professionals as well as learn from those further along in their careers. I have grown tremendously through the RISE Mentorship Program and connecting with leaders that have pushed and motivated me.  

Meet the Strategic Planning Board: Nicole Velino

Hey there, curious minds! Step into the world of RISE’s Strategic Planning Board, where strategy meets personality. These movers and shakers are the architects behind our big-picture goals, collaborating with our leadership and Advisory Board. But this isn’t your typical spotlight series—it’s a backstage pass to uncovering what drives them beyond the boardroom. Think aspirations, hobbies, and what keeps them jazzed about the future of RISE. This series isn’t just about their roles; it’s about weaving together the stories of high achievers who are crafting a roadmap for RISE’s success. So, grab a seat and get ready to dive into the personalities shaping RISE, one interview at a time.

Meet Nicole Velino, Claims Associate Group Leader at Falvey Insurance Group:

Q: What is one piece of advice for young professionals in the insurance industry?

A: Take advantage of all the insurance industry has to offer.  Network, and continue learning. Say yes to opportunities even if they scare you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.


Q: Are you a sports fan? What’s your favorite team?

A: I do not watch sports at all on TV.  I enjoy games in person every now and then. 

Q: What do you find motivating?

A: My daughter is my motivation.  I want her to see that you can do anything you put your heart and mind to. 


Q: Do you collect anything?

A: I do enjoy coffee cups, and ornaments… but I do not like clutter.  So, I have a much smaller collection.

Q: What’s the most exciting part of your job?

A: There are always opportunities! I love learning new things and meeting new people. 

Q: What is something you know now that you wish you knew when you started in the insurance industry?

A: I wish I had confidence when I first started.  I always felt inferior.  My Manager once told me I just really need you to gain some confidence.  That hit me, and it has changed me in so many ways. 

Q: Share a fun fact about yourself!


– I am Christmas obsessed. 

-The RISE 2023 Summit was the first time I have ever been on a plane by myself.

Q: What inspired you to join RISE?

A: RISE was introduced to me by my company Falvey Insurance Group.  Falvey nominated me for the Rising Insurance Professional Award in 2021.  I started following RISE on LinkedIn and joined in on a few of the virtual committees.  It is a pretty powerful community.  So many connections, so many great people! I love the message- You can succeed in Insurance, and you can do that being your Authentic Self.  It has been amazing to watch the RISE community grow so much over the years. 

Meet the Strategic Planning Board: Mohamed ElHelaly

Hey there, curious minds! Step into the world of RISE’s Strategic Planning Board, where strategy meets personality. These movers and shakers are the architects behind our big-picture goals, collaborating with our leadership and Advisory Board. But this isn’t your typical spotlight series—it’s a backstage pass to uncovering what drives them beyond the boardroom. Think aspirations, hobbies, and what keeps them jazzed about the future of RISE. This series isn’t just about their roles; it’s about weaving together the stories of high achievers who are crafting a roadmap for RISE’s success. So, grab a seat and get ready to dive into the personalities shaping RISE, one interview at a time.

Meet Mohamed ElHelaly:

Q: What is one piece of advice for young professionals in the insurance industry?

A: In addition to staying updated within the insurance industry, it’s valuable for professionals to have a basic understanding of the industry they serve. Learning about the specific needs, challenges, and terminology of clients in industries like aviation, healthcare, or entertainment can help insurance professionals tailor their services more effectively and build stronger relationships with their clients. It’s a well-rounded approach to providing comprehensive insurance solutions.

Q: Are you a sports fan? What’s your favorite team?

A: I am a big fan of sports in general with no favorite team- Except football/soccer 😀

Q: What do you find motivating?

Achievements, appreciation, and making a difference.

Q: Do you collect anything?

A: Keychains and fridge magnets from cities that I visit around the world

Q: What’s the most exciting part of your job?

A: That I get to work and deal with different cultures on a daily basis.

Q: What is something you know now that you wish you knew when you started in the insurance industry?

A: Expanding your knowledge across all the insurance areas is a great plus.

Q: Share a fun fact about yourself!

A: I am a Divemaster, Motorcyclist, Kitesurfer, Snowboarder, and a Darts Player.

Q: What inspired you to join RISE?

A: Giving back to younger generation, and hopefully making an impact.

Meet the Strategic Planning Board: Jarrod Zea

Hey there, curious minds! Step into the world of RISE’s Strategic Planning Board, where strategy meets personality. These movers and shakers are the architects behind our big-picture goals, collaborating with our leadership and Advisory Board. But this isn’t your typical spotlight series—it’s a backstage pass to uncovering what drives them beyond the boardroom. Think aspirations, hobbies, and what keeps them jazzed about the future of RISE. This series isn’t just about their roles; it’s about weaving together the stories of high achievers who are crafting a roadmap for RISE’s success. So, grab a seat and get ready to dive into the personalities shaping RISE, one interview at a time.

Meet Jarrod Zea, Settlement Advisor at Ringler:

Q: What is one piece of advice for young professionals in the insurance industry?

A: Networking will become one of your most valuable skills. Work on it.

Q: Are you a sports fan? What’s your favorite team?

A: I am not a sports fan, but I do love the Dodgers.

Q: What do you find motivating?

  1. Work that makes a real impact in my community.
  2. Working with people who push me to always strive for more.
  3. Competition
  4. Money

Q: Do you collect anything?

A: Historical Artifacts like posters, old equipment, book, etc.

Q: What’s the most exciting part of your job?

A: The negotiation or mediation process. I love sitting down with all parties and assisting in negotiation to bring out settlement.

Q: What is something you know now that you wish you knew when you started in the insurance industry?

A: It’s OK to admit when you don’t know something.

Q: Share a fun fact about yourself!

A: I have 573 parachute jumps/skydives.

Q: What inspired you to join RISE?

A: What inspired me was the opportunity to be a part of an organization that help prospective insurance professionals get the contacts and education they need to begin a successful career.   I wanted to be a part of an organization that has a direct positive impact on the industry.

Meet the Strategic Planning Board: Petyah Triche

Hey there, curious minds! Step into the world of RISE’s Strategic Planning Board, where strategy meets personality. These movers and shakers are the architects behind our big-picture goals, collaborating with our leadership and Advisory Board. But this isn’t your typical spotlight series—it’s a backstage pass to uncovering what drives them beyond the boardroom. Think aspirations, hobbies, and what keeps them jazzed about the future of RISE. This series isn’t just about their roles; it’s about weaving together the stories of high achievers who are crafting a roadmap for RISE’s success. So, grab a seat and get ready to dive into the personalities shaping RISE, one interview at a time.

Meet Petyah Triche, Assistant Manager of Worker's Compensation at Broward Sheriffs Office

Q: What is one piece of advice for young professionals in the insurance industry?

  • Find people you can collaborate with.
  • Having mutually beneficial relationships with your peers can be just as beneficial to your career growth as having a mentor.
  • It’s helpful to align yourself with a peer at work, a peer outside your agency but within the insurance field, and even a peer outside of our field who has similar goals but a different approach.
  • Consider fostering long-term partnerships with peers you can grow with, learn from and build something alongside.

Q: Are you a sports fan? What’s your favorite team?

A: Dallas Cowboys!

Q: What do you find motivating?

A: My family. I constantly want to be better and work harder so I can be an example to my children. I want them to be the best they can be.

Q: Do you collect anything?

A: I would say nothing, I’m a minimalist. But my husband would say purses. Its all about perspective! *wink*

Q: What’s the most exciting part of your job?

A: No claim is the same so its never a boring day. Workers’ Comp for first responders can get pretty interesting. But mostly, I like helping people get back to them selves and back to saving lives.

Q: What is something you know now that you wish you knew when you started in the insurance industry?

A: I wish I knew that it was OK to ask for more money and advocate for myself in pay negotiations.

Q: Share a fun fact about yourself!

A: I’m obsessed with true crime stories and cults. In my past life, I was either a criminal or a detective. You choose.

Q: What inspired you to join RISE?

A: It is refreshing. There are many different associations, but none that feel this fun, innovative, engaging, and down to earth. I feel like I’m with my peers not my superiors.

Meet the Strategic Planning Board: Scott Francis

Hey there, curious minds! Step into the world of RISE’s Strategic Planning Board, where strategy meets personality. These movers and shakers are the architects behind our big-picture goals, collaborating with our leadership and Advisory Board. But this isn’t your typical spotlight series—it’s a backstage pass to uncovering what drives them beyond the boardroom. Think aspirations, hobbies, and what keeps them jazzed about the future of RISE. This series isn’t just about their roles; it’s about weaving together the stories of high achievers who are crafting a roadmap for RISE’s success. So, grab a seat and get ready to dive into the personalities shaping RISE, one interview at a time.

Meet Scott Francis, VP of Strategic Accounts at Ethos Risk-

Q: What is one piece of advice for young professionals in the insurance industry?

A: Be intentional about your career and where you want to invest your time and energy developing your skills. Of course, it is necessary to deliver the best performance in your current role, as well as looking to future opportunities and the required skills/experience to succeed in progressive roles.

Q: Are you a sports fan? What’s your favorite team?

A: The Iowa Hawkeyes will always have a special place in my heart, and you can find me rooting for them, regardless of the sport. Also enjoy watching the Green Bay Packers with my son who just recently started playing football.

Q: What do you find motivating?

A: I find challenges motivating. Whether it is a physical goal like an obstacle race or running a marathon, or a business goal such as developing a disruptive way to deliver a better product and/or service to customers.

Q: Do you collect anything?

A: Memories and experiences. My wife, Katie, and I are purposeful about seeing new places and experiencing as much of the world as possible. It’s a great way to keep grounded and continue learning.

Q: What’s the most exciting part of your job?

A: Working and cocreating with clients. This is such an exciting time to be in insurance. There are rules and guardrails, which are necessary, but within those boundaries companies are very open to exploring creativity and new ways of doing things.

Q: What is something you know now that you wish you knew when you started in the insurance industry?

A: The abundance of opportunities regardless of past experience. Insurance provides a great opportunity to carve out the career that gives you the most satisfaction. So don’t wait for your dream job to find you, figure out what it is and go after it!

Q: Share a fun fact about yourself!

A: I am a published poet.

Q: What inspired you to join RISE?

A: The people and the mission. The insurance industry is a tight knit community with huge opportunity for folks starting their career and the RISE team has gone all in on helping this group succeed. I have thoroughly enjoyed and benefitted from working in insurance and wanted to do my part in helping the next wave of leaders.

Meet the Strategic Planning Board: Walter Davenport II

Hey there, curious minds! Step into the world of RISE’s Strategic Planning Board, where strategy meets personality. These movers and shakers are the architects behind our big-picture goals, collaborating with our leadership and Advisory Board. But this isn’t your typical spotlight series—it’s a backstage pass to uncovering what drives them beyond the boardroom. Think aspirations, hobbies, and what keeps them jazzed about the future of RISE. This series isn’t just about their roles; it’s about weaving together the stories of high achievers who are crafting a roadmap for RISE’s success. So, grab a seat and get ready to dive into the personalities shaping RISE, one interview at a time.

Meet Walter Davenport II, Head of Process Coordination & Strategic Data Anayltics at Allianz

Q: What is one piece of advice for young professionals in the insurance industry?

A: Get involved early and often on as many different projects you can. Exposing yourself to diverse career experiences expedites the process of discovering both your likes and dislikes which enables you to select/craft roles that align with your skills and interests.

Unlike school which has a prescribed path for next steps, you have to intentionally build the career you want or be subject to the career someone thinks you should have.

Q: Are you a sports fan? What’s your favorite team?

A: Any and everything Chicago. I feel obligated to also add Butler Basketball but I haven’t kept up as much the past year.

Q: What do you find motivating?

A: Helping our teams solve seemingly unsolvable problems on a day-to-day basis. When wrapped up in administrative tasks it easy to lose sight that our decisions impact real people, but I find it motivating that we provide solutions to address global risks that impact everyone on earth. That mission makes it easier to fill out expense reports.

Q: Do you collect anything?

A: Not in the traditional sense. I enjoy collecting new experiences. This can range from a far-away trip to a remote location or something as simple as taking a different path back home from the office.

Q: What’s the most exciting part of your job?

A: Two items stick out. The first being the spontaneity of my role. No 2 days are the same and we continually find ways to solve our customer needs regardless of what it takes. The second item is collaborating with everyone within the large Allianz ecosystem. We are truly a global company and seeing how we work together across several time zones and do so while having fun always makes it easy to come to work.  


Q: What is something you know now that you wish you knew when you started in the insurance industry?

A: Building strong relationships is just as important as doing your job well. Our industry relies trust and that trust extends outside of your organization. Taking the opportunity to network goes a long way in growing both professionally and personally.

Q: What inspired you to join RISE?

A: The energy within the RISE organization is too difficult to put into words, but it made it impossible not to join. You have to experience an in-person event to fully grasp the allure. What will forever keep me engaged with the RISE team is the mission to help solve many of the gaps within our industry.


Meet the Strategic Planning Board: Lauren Fernandez

Hey there, curious minds! Step into the world of RISE’s Strategic Planning Board, where strategy meets personality. These movers and shakers are the architects behind our big-picture goals, collaborating with our leadership and Advisory Board. But this isn’t your typical spotlight series—it’s a backstage pass to uncovering what drives them beyond the boardroom. Think aspirations, hobbies, and what keeps them jazzed about the future of RISE. This series isn’t just about their roles; it’s about weaving together the stories of high achievers who are crafting a roadmap for RISE’s success. So, grab a seat and get ready to dive into the personalities shaping RISE, one interview at a time.

Q: What is one piece of advice for young professionals in the insurance industry?

A: Network any and every chance you get. Don’t be afraid to take the initiative and reach out to people who are where you want to be. Also, don’t get stuck in a “this or that” mentality. There are many options for success and multiple paths to reach it – don’t restrict yourself. 

Q: Are you a sports fan? What’s your favorite team?

A: Not in the traditional sense. Growing up my family was into the Olympics, X Games, and MMA – I still enjoy watching them to this day.

Q: What do you find motivating?

A: Seeing people succeed and reach their goals and being part of the journey.

Q: Do you collect anything?

A: Does dog hair on my clothes count? Haha, I have a Golden Retriever and Chocolate Lab it’s a never-ending struggle. 

Q: What’s the most exciting part of your job?

A: I get to connect with and speak to some pretty amazing people on a daily basis.

Q: What is something you know now that you wish you knew when you started in the insurance industry?

A: The insurance industry is VAST and it is constantly changing with new technology. It’s not dry and boring there is something for everyone room for all  to succeed. 

Q: What inspired you to join RISE?

A: RISE has a great vision for supporting individuals entering the insurance space. They’ve been able to create an amazing collaborative space where like-minded professionals from all walks of life and career levels can come together and support each other’s growth.